Advice to start 🎈


  1. Use frameworks as a first step to bring clarity.
  2. Be aware of Analysis Paralysis.
  3. There are different variations of each framework on the Internet.
  4. Deep dive into new marketing ideas.

Building a startup means embracing uncertainty. You need to make decisions that no one made before. It’s easy to feel lost.

Frameworks are a great way to start. You can structure both problems and solutions. Find the weak points and iterate on them. Frameworks help you to make fewer mistakes.

But remember that without action, frameworks are useless. Completing all 50 frameworks and doing nothing after won’t make you rich. Find the balance between analysis and action.

Moreover, you will soon find out that there could be a lot of variations of the same framework. It can be confusing and irritating. But you need to get used to it.

People customize frameworks for their needs. And you will soon learn how to do it too. Frameworks are tools, not goals.

Some frameworks will contain new marketing concepts and theories. We intentionally leave you with an opportunity to google new terms. Problem-solving and knowing how to learn β€” are two critical skills for Entrepreneurs.

Good luck on this journey.

We are here for you ❀️

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